Intervention Guide on Unionism
Course Duration: approximately 1½ hours
It is a course that includes a questionnaire on unionism intended for people who are required to give presentations of the Teamsters' Union and the labour movement to young people in schools.
Organizing: For Strength and Power
Course Duration: 2 days
This course is designed for any person who is, and proud to be, involved in the Teamsters Union. Participants must be selected by their Local Union to attend this course.
Workplace Accident: Investigate to Prevent
Course Duration: 2 days
This course empowers participants to prevent work related, accidents and injuries and near-misses in the workplace.
Protecting our Health and Safety
Course Duration: 2 days
This course is designed for members, shop stewards, and health and safety representatives working in federally regulated workplaces.
Collective Bargaining: A community that takes action
Course Duration: 3 days
This course is designed for future bargaining committee members.
Resolving Workplace Conflict
Course Duration: 2 days
This course is designed for shop stewards.
Violence and Harassment in the Workplace: Zero Tolerance
Course Duration: 1 or 2 days
This course is designed for members, shop stewards and business agents. It can also be facilitated directly in the workplace.
From Grievance to Arbitration: Key to Success
Course Duration: 2 days
This course is designed for experienced shop stewards and business agents.
Dealing with my Collective Agreement
Course Duration: 1 day
This course is designed for experienced shop stewards and business agents.
New Officers Training Seminar
Course Duration: 2 days
This course is designed for newly elected officers.