Let’s Talk About Elder Abuse

June 15 is Elder Abuse Awareness Day. It’s an opportunity to recall just how badly COVID-19 hit our elders.

Questions and Answers from Teamsters Members – COVID-19

Teamsters Canada believes that the health and safety of its members, and the general public, are very important. Getting vaccinated is a personal decision. We have prepared this question-and-answer document based on interactions with...

Garda Not Giving Paid Vaccination Leave to Alberta Airport Screening Officers

(Edmonton) – Garda, the company employing airport screeners at most Alberta airports, is refusing to provide its staff 3 hours paid vaccination leave. While paid vaccination leave is mandatory in Alberta, Garda can dodge...

Name It, Don’t Numb It

Mental Health Week is today until May 9, 2021. This year, the theme is “Name It, Don’t Numb.” I find the theme brilliant. “Heavy feelings lighten when you put them into words. When we voice our...

A Day of Mourning Like No Other

Sisters, brothers, This year, the National Day of Mourning takes on a special meaning. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has caused countless work-related death across the country. In some cases, the killer was the virus. In others,...

Ontario Teamsters Call for Paid Sick Time for all Essential Workers

Craig McInnes, the president of Ontario Joint Council 52, has written to Doug Ford urging him to implement paid sick leave for all essential workers. See his letter below.  Download Dear Mr. Ford,Premier of OntarioLegislative BuildingQueen's...
budget 2021

Teamsters Canada Pleased with Direction of Federal Budget

Laval, QC, April 19, 2021 – The national president of Teamsters Canada, François Laporte, made the following comments regarding today’s federal budget: “I am relieved that Ottawa continues to support workers and reject the...

National Day of Observance in memory of the victims of COVID-19

This Thursday, March 11 will be the National Day of Remembrance (Québec) in memory of the victims of COVID-19. This sad anniversary is an opportunity to remember all those who died during the pandemic.

No Negative COVID-19 Test Needed for Essential Workers

Effective February 15, 2021, travellers entering Canada through a land border will need to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test before arrival.

Teamsters Canada Statement on Federal Economic Update

The national president of Teamsters Canada, François Laporte, made the following comments regarding today’s federal economic update...