Join the Teamsters

Teamsters Canada believes that our workers have a right to grow financially and progress in their careers. Being unionized guarantees respect, justice, equality, fairness and dignity in the workplace, and allows our members to enjoy a better quality of life.

The labour market is changing, and our labour rights are being unfairly threatened or reduced in discriminatory ways. Take charge: unionize your workplace, protect your rights, and become a Teamster!

Teamsters Canada FAQ

If you want more information about becoming a Teamsters member, please complete the form below and we will contact you within 72 hours. This form doesn’t commit you to anything, and the information you send will be considered strictly confidential. Under no circumstances will your employer know that you contacted us.

Membership Request Form


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    This page is for those who want to learn more about having a union at their current workplace. For work placement (not available in all provinces), contact a local union.