Parcel Division

Browse Teamsters Canada Parcel Division news.

UPS Canada Negotiations Update #6 (Strike Vote Results)

UPS Canada workers from coast to coast to coast have voted 97.1% in favour of strike action.

UPS Canada Negotiations Update #1

As you might have imagined, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted planned negotiations with UPS Canada.

Purolator Agreement Ratified by Members

The unanimously recommended tentative agreement was ratified by 75% of the members who voted. We would like to thank all those who voted, attended their union meetings, spoke with their stewards, read the documentation, and asked questions. The new 5-year agreement protects the defined-benefit pension plan, safeguards your retirement allowances...

Strike Vote at Purolator

To all Teamster members at Purolator: Despite sincerely trying to find common ground with Purolator Courier, negotiations between the Teamsters and the company hit a standstill after 6 weeks of intense bargaining. Today the Purolator Negotiations...

Purolator Teamsters Vote 97.4% to Authorize Strike Action

Today we’ve sent a strong message of solidarity by voting 97.4% in favour of strike action. While the membership has authorized strike action, the bargaining committee has not set a strike deadline. The bargaining committee will determine if and when such a deadline is set. Our hope is that management will now rethink their positions on the issues that brought bargaining to a standstill...

Video: Teamster Reps Testify on New Labour Protections

Stéphane Lacoste, General Counsel for Teamsters Canada, and Phil Benson, Lobbyist for Teamsters Canada, appeared in Parliament earlier this month to testify on the proposed changes to federal labour laws...

Director’s Statement to Purolator Members

I would like to thank each Teamster member at Purolator for their support and patience during this most difficult set of negotiations. When we started in August 2016, your bargaining committee was faced with an employer that was losing market share. Some of their proposals included contracting out your work, eliminating the defined benefit pension plan...

UPS Canada Negotiations Update #3

The negotiating committee met June 22 through June 25 in Vancouver. We were able to get through all proposals with supporting arguments and settled some minor issues.

Agreement Ratified at UPS

81% voted in favour of ratifying the tentative agreement

Teamsters Canada Mourns Loss of Two American UPS Drivers

The drivers’ names were Dennis Kehler and Daniel Kepner. They had been working at company for 28 and 5 years respectively. Both were members of Teamsters Local Union 776.