Laval, QC, January 7, 2020 – Teamsters Canada was saddened to learn that two UPS drivers in the United States died yesterday in a pile-up accident in Pennsylvania. 

The drivers’ names were Dennis Kehler and Daniel Kepner. They had been working at company for 28 and 5 years respectively. Both were members of Teamsters Local Union 776.

“Over 125,000 members of Teamsters Canada stand in solidarity and sympathy with Brother Kehler and Brother Kepner’s families, friends and colleagues at this time of mourning,” said the president of Teamsters Canada, François Laporte. 

The crash involved several tractor trailers that reportedly collided after a tour bus was unable to negotiate a turn and hit an embankment. In total, five people were killed and 60 injured. An investigation is ongoing. 

UPS and UPS Freight employ close to 250,000 members of the Teamsters Union in the United States, and close to 8,000 members of the Teamsters Union in Canada. 

Teamsters Canada represents close to 125,000 workers across the country. The International Brotherhood of Teamsters, with which Teamsters Canada is affiliated, has 1.5 million members in North America. Visit for more information. Follow us on Twitter @TeamstersCanada and “like” us on Facebook at