The COVID-19 pandemic is global. We are facing one of our greatest challenges, but it’s not the first time that collectively and individually, we are faced with adversity. I notice, with satisfaction, that we are already showing solidarity and compassion for one another.
I would like to remind all our members and the population, that they must comply with the directives of our governments in order to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. Furthermore, we commend the courage and determination of those who, despite the crisis, must continue to work to provide essential services to the population, be it food distribution, patient care or transport of people.
Over the past 120 years, members of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters have sacrificed themselves on several occasions and have shown bravery in helping their peers in different tragic circumstances. This is what our brave members continue doing, every day, during this unprecedented crisis.
However, I want to remind the Federal Government that it will have to make sure that it provides financial support to workers who lose their jobs temporarily or permanently. Whether it’s because a factory is temporarily shutting down or because an employee is sick, Ottawa must intervene to put in place financial assistance to support those workers and their families.
In concluding, I would like to salute the work of the hundreds of union representatives, employees, union stewards and principal officers of Teamsters’ local unions who have been working on the field or telecommuting to ensure the workers’ safety and the smooth running of Canadian society.
I wish you all good luck. May humanity come together and come out victorious from this ordeal.
In solidarity,
François Laporte
Teamsters Canada