
Browse Teamsters Canada news in Québec and about Joint Council 91 and Local Unions 91, 41M, 106, 555M. 1791 and 1999 here.

New collective agreement at Demix

The 15 or so workers at the Demix quarry in St-Jacques-le-Mineur ratified a new collective agreementyesterday after several weeks of negotiations.

Unions in Times of Uncertainty

In his Labour Day message, Teamsters Canada President Francois Laporte reflects on the importance of unions in times of uncertainty.

Sleeman-Unibroue launches its canning line

While the official launch celebration for the canning line at Unibroue's Chambly plant did not take place as planned because of the pandemic, the Teamsters are proud to report that the line is already operating at full capacity.

Lockout at Hôtel Le Président: Meeting Called by Conciliator

The Teamsters and management of the Hôtel Le Président have been called to a meeting with the conciliator from the provincial Ministry of Labour tomorrow. Workers at Hôtel Le Président are seeking a substantial wage increase to catch up with their brothers and sisters at other hotels in the region.

Teamsters Disappointed by New Food Guide

Teamsters are disappointed that the new food guide minimizes the role of milk products. Milk and dairy products can be a healthy part of any diet. Moreover, the evidence that went into the new food guide comes disproportionately from U.S. government dietary guidelines, which have been deemed to “lack scientific rigour” by the National Academies of Science.

Passing of Aline Lachapelle, a Pioneer of our Union

I was saddened to learn this week that Sister Aline Lachapelle, former president of Teamsters Local Union 1998, passed away. She was the first woman to become president of a Teamster local union in Canada.

The A13 Traffic Jam and the QPP’s Serious Allegations

The provincial government and the Québec Provincial Police (QPP) are looking for scapegoats. It appears that they’re accusing two truckers, who were stuck in snow and allegedly refusing to move, of causing the traffic jam that trapped 300 drivers on the A13 during a blizzard...

Teamsters Serve 72 Hours’ Strike Notice to CP

Given lack of progress at the bargaining table, the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference formally served 72 hours’ notice of intent to strike to Canadian Pacific Railway (CP).

Reopening of Norbord Plant in Val-d’Or in Jeopardy

According to information obtained by the Teamsters Union, the re-opening of the Norbord plant in Val-d'Or is in jeopardy as the result of a decision made by Québec’s Ministry of Forests.

A CN worker is killed at the Taschereau Yard

The Teamsters Union will follow very closely the investigation initiated by Transport Canada and does not intend to issue any further comment while the investigation is underway.