December 4, 2020 – Brothers François Laporte and Éric Laramée, respectively President of Teamsters Canada and Secretary-Treasurer of Local Union 1999, presented on behalf of Local Unions 106, 931, 555M, 1791, 1999, as well as Teamsters Canada Rail Conference and Teamsters Canada Rail Conference – Maintenance of Way Employees Division, a cheque for $60,000 to Fondation Papillon.

The presentation of the cheque was made in the presence of the President of Fondation Papillon, Jean Duchesneau and its Executive Director, Suzy Guérin.

The pandemic is making times difficult for people who help the most vulnerable in society,” noted Teamsters Canada President François Laporte. ” The Teamsters are there when the situation requires it and I am very proud of our contribution to Fondation Papillon once again this year.” 

Foudation Papillon is a non-profit organization that offers several resources and support to people with disabilities and their families. It offers adapted services allowing young people with special needs to reach their full potential and meet the needs of their families.

” On behalf of parents and children, thank you,” said Jean Duchesneau. ” The Teamsters’ generosity is remarkable and we are very grateful to them.” 

Fondation Papillon finances Camp Papillon which allows parents to take a well-deserved break during the summer and their handicapped children to do several stimulating activities.

It is still too early to know if the camp will reopen this summer, but Résidence Papillon should reopen in mid-January.

Brothers Laporte and Laramée would like to thank all the local unions in Quebec, as well as the generous donors, who participated in this fundraiser.

The Teamsters have been contributing to this charity for several decades.

The Teamsters Union represents the interests of 125,000 members in Canada. They are affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, which has 1.4 million members in North America.

Formulaire de don 2020

Depuis le début de la pandémie de Covid-19, les familles d’enfants vivant avec un handicap ont plus que jamais un besoin criant de répit. Nombre d’entre elles sont à bout de souffle et se retrouvent dans une situation financière précaire. Pendant ce temps, privés de thérapies et de stimulation, les jeunes perdent leurs acquis et ne peuvent plus progresser. L’isolement dans lequel ils se retrouvent exacerbe chez plusieurs d’entre eux les difficultés qu’ils doivent déjà surmonter.

La Fondation Papillon propose des solutions de répit et de stimulation et nous sommes prêts à les offrir de nouveau aux jeunes et à leur famille dès que la situation le permettra. La demande sera grande alors plus que jamais, nous avons besoin de vous! En effectuant votre don aujourd’hui, vous subventionnez l’accès aux différents services de la Fondation Papillon et votre contribution nous permet d’appuyer un plus grand nombre de familles!



For more information :
Stéphane Lacroix
Director of Communications and Public Affairs
Teamsters Canada
Cell: 514-609-5101
[email protected]