Teamster women: Shaping the future!

More than 1,000 Teamster sisters from all over North America are currently converging on Montreal to attend the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Women’s Conference. Our sisters of Quebec’s local unions are also attending in great numbers. Welcome to the French-speaking capital of North America!

Zero Tolerance for Violence Against Women

One out of every four violent crimes reported to the police is a case of domestic violence, according to Statistics Canada. Women's Shelter Canada indicated in its most recent report that of the 550 shelters it supports, 59% reported a decrease in calls at the beginning of the pandemic. However, as the lockdown measures eased, more than half of these shelters (61%) experienced a surge in calls.

Teamsters Women’s Conference Ends on a Positive Note


Preventive maternity leave in federal workplaces: A flagrant injustice

In theory, a woman who works in a federally-regulated industry governed by the Canada Labour Code has the right to refuse dangerous work. For example, a pregnant or nursing worker should be able to stop work if she considers that continuing to perform her regular duties may constitute a risk to her health or her baby’s.

Letter from the President of Teamsters Canada on the occasion of International Women’s Day

This year, International Women’s Day feels timely, as a sense of normalcy finally starts pervading our daily lives. Without a doubt, one of the main reasons we can all breathe just a little bit easier is due to the significant role that women played throughout the pandemic.

Nathaly Guillemette Elected VP of Québec Federation of Labour

Sister Nathaly Guillemette from Teamsters Canada has been elected vice-president – women on the executive board of the Québec Federation of Labour (QFL), a decision-making body also known as the “bureau.”