Montréal, August 24, 2024 – The Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) has ruled to allow federal Labour Minister Steven MacKinnon to end job action in Canada’s rail sector and impose binding arbitration.
The union will lawfully comply with the CIRB decision. The Teamsters will also appeal the ruling to federal court.
“This decision by the CIRB sets a dangerous precedent. It signals to Corporate Canada that large companies need only stop their operations for a few hours, inflict short-term economic pain, and the federal government will step in to break a union. The rights of Canadian workers have been significantly diminished today,” said Paul Boucher, President of the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference.
“The Trudeau Liberals have chosen to side against middle- and working-class Canadians, abandoning their supposed progressive values at the first sign of short-term supply chain disruptions. The Teamsters have fought to protect rail safety in Canada, improve working conditions, and prevent CN from forcing workers to relocate thousands of kilometres away from their families—and we will continue to do so,” added Boucher.
A copy of the decisions is attached: LD5437_NB1566.pdf / LD5437_NB1567.pdf
Media requests:
Christopher Monette
Director of Public Affairs
Teamsters Canada
Cell. : 514-226-6002
[email protected]