Parcel Division

Browse Teamsters Canada Parcel Division news.

Purolator Agreement Ratified by Members

The unanimously recommended tentative agreement was ratified by 75% of the members who voted. We would like to thank all those who voted, attended their union meetings, spoke with their stewards, read the documentation, and asked questions. The new 5-year agreement protects the defined-benefit pension plan, safeguards your retirement allowances...

Video: Teamster Reps Testify on New Labour Protections

Stéphane Lacoste, General Counsel for Teamsters Canada, and Phil Benson, Lobbyist for Teamsters Canada, appeared in Parliament earlier this month to testify on the proposed changes to federal labour laws...

Teamsters Make Historic Breakthrough at Dicom

Teamsters have made a historic breakthrough by organizing drivers at the parcel delivery company Dicom in Drummondville. The application for union certification was submitted on October 31, 2018, by Teamsters Local Union 931.

Purolator Offer Ratified

The Teamsters’ nationally recommended offer from Purolator was ratified by 60.3%. The new contract is now in effect.

UPS Canada Negotiations Update #3

The negotiating committee met June 22 through June 25 in Vancouver. We were able to get through all proposals with supporting arguments and settled some minor issues.