
Browse Teamsters Canada construction trade news. Local news about supplies, commercial, dump truck, maintenance, pipeline, hazardous waste, owner operators divisions and more.

175,000 Construction Workers in Québec Launch General Strike

The 175,000 workers of the Trade Union Alliance (Alliance syndicale), a group of trade unions and labour organizations whose members work in the construction industry, launched a general strike last night. This is one of Québec's largest labour disputes in recent years. To show his support, François Laporte, President of Teamsters Canada, participated in this morning’s...

Community Benefit Agreements Lead to Better Jobs, More Opportunities in BC

Teamsters support B.C.’s new approach to construction work. It gives workers and the community just as much importance as employers and government interests. That is crucial when it comes to projects paid for by our tax dollars.

Tablet Computers Are Putting Demix Drivers’ Lives at Risk

Teamsters will meet this month with managers at cement company Demix to demand that the “Optimizer” tablet computers that were installed on board its trucks be deactivated. The tabs are being used to send and receive messages while the vehicle is moving.
Piquets de grève Demix Agrégats Juillet 2020

Workers at Demix Aggregates on Strike

The 15 or so workers at the plant voted 100% in favour of strike action on June 22 after voting unanimously to reject the employer’s latest offers, which they considered insulting...

Safety Before Profits

Responsible pipeline projects that create solid jobs can be a huge relief for struggling workers. That’s why we’d like to talk to you about the Project Labour Agreement (PLA) that we are seeking with...

Burnco is Bargaining in Bad Faith

The Teamsters have filed a complaint with the Alberta Labour Relations Board in reaction to the company’s decision to lock out their workers.

New Collective Agreement for the National Ready Mix Workers

Toronto, May 27 -- It is with great pride I would like to express my thanks to the new members of National Ready Mix for putting their trust in Teamsters Local Union 230. It...