
Browse Teamsters Canada automotive trade news. Local union news about sakes, services, rental car divisions and more.

Safety of Road Users Dominates Discussions at CCMTA

The annual meeting of the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) came to a close last Wednesday. The CCMTA is responsible for the coordination, administration, regulation and control of road transportation and road safety across the country.

Trans-Pacific Partnership: Taxpayers Will Once Again Bear the Cost

The key question is now to determine if and how the TPP will benefit Canadians.

Teamsters want to meet Quebec’s new Minister of Transport

According to the Teamsters, who represent some 5,500 truckers in Quebec, the trucking industry is at a crossroads, and a meeting with the new Minister of Transport as soon as possible is imperative.

Feds and Provinces Must Implement Electronic Logging Devices in Trucking

Safety is at the heart of Teamsters' concerns. Quickly implementing electronic logging devices will prevent some trucking companies from breaking hours of service regulations and falsifying paper records. These electronic devices will improve the road safety record while ensuring that all truckers take the rest they are entitled to...