For a young person, the world can feel a bit daunting. Life is changing, transitions are happening and lessons are being learned.
They are leaving home for the first time, entering post-secondary and starting their careers.
For a young person with a mental health issue, this can feel completely overwhelming.
Mental health is something that needs to be addressed early on, which is why early intervention is so crucial.
Because of the stigma associated with talking about mental health, young people often don’t want to acknowledge that they may need help.
When young people receive help early on, it is possible for them to go on to live happy and healthy lives. It is one of the most preventative things we can do.
Help us spread the word by sharing our videos on social media, tweeting and emailing politicians and policy makers and letting other Canadians know that together, we can make a change when it comes to mental health.
If we make enough noise, they have to listen.
Help us make mental health support mandatory! #Makeitmandatory.