Caucus féminins

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Ontario Women's Caucus Logo

Les caucus féminins de Teamsters Canada servent à promouvoir les intérêts de ses membres et à regrouper les femmes membres de différents locaux par province au Canada.
Ils ont comme mandat d’encourager les femmes à participer aux activités sociales et syndicales, d’encourager la diversité de culture, d’origine ethnique et d’âge afin de faire avancer et de faire briller notre syndicat dans la communauté et dans le mouvement syndical. Il s’agit aussi, pour les femmes Teamsters, d’une occasion de participer et de s’impliquer à différents niveaux de la structure syndicale.

Conférence des femmes Teamsters

Écoutez certain·e·s participant·e·s canadien·ne·s décrire l’expérience vécue lors de la Conférence des femmes Teamsters en 2018 à Orlando, Floride.

Conférence des femmes Teamsters Puerto Rico 2024

Cette année, la Conférence des femmes Teamsters a eu lieu à San Juan, Puerto Rico du 23 au 26 juin 2024.

Galleries photo des conférences des femmes

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Teamsters Ontario Women's Caucus

Board Members

Top-left to bottom-right : Yolande Lewis, Denise Thompson, Lenna Phenix, Lavinia Demello,
Manju Jaswall, Helen Mark, Wendy Henry

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With much excitement I am pleased to introduce the Teamsters Ontario Women’s Caucus.

In the past year, we have been busy with restructuring our Caucus to better meet our objectives and goals – the first change that has been made is a change in the name of our Caucus. We are now known as the Teamsters Ontario Women’s Caucus (“TOWC”) formerly the Teamsters Canada Ontario Women’s Caucus.

There are only two Women’s Caucus Executive Boards in existence in Canada, and I feel we are fortunate to be a part of one of them. There are a grand total of 22,813 women that are Teamster members in Canada. The national average of women members is sitting around 18.3%. 6041 of those Teamster women members reside in the jurisdiction of Joint Council 52. Women make up approximately 20% of our membership in Ontario. We are the second largest province of women members, second to Joint Council 91 out of Quebec, which has 33% women.

As Teamsters, the Women’s Caucus can serve as an added benefit of service to the Locals in Ontario, and to promote the name of our great Teamsters Union. To the members, the TOWC has the ability to provide the resources to connect, network and provide assistance. It is a unique gateway to unite and encourage the Ontario Women of our Union to get involved in social and community based projects and it will form a solid base for women to get more involved in their Union.

We are exploring additional ways to which we can provide access. We have hosted a successful Meet N Greet this past summer at Local 419. It was an informational and enjoyable gathering. We will continue to hold such events semi-annually with plans to circulate to each local. We also publish the TOWC Newsletter twice a year (June and December), so please keep an eye out for it. Ask your Local Union for a copy, or alternatively, contact us at our offices on Airport Road, in Mississauga, Ontario and ask for a copy. We ask our members to get involved – write an article of your life as a Teamster, at your job or doing some other activity that benefits others in your community. In addition to this Website we are also delving into such networking tools as Facebook and Twitter in the hopes of opening the doors to communication and participation.

We hope to network the Teamster women members for the purposes of giving support to women’s issues. We remain involved in the CIBC Run for the Cure, a fundraiser for breast cancer – there isn’t one of us that has not been touched by cancer, in one form or another – be it in men or women

The TOWC hopes to play an integral role as part of the Teamsters Canada Union within the realm of Joint Council 52, and we look forward to your participation and involvement.

Yours in solidarity,

Lenna Phenix
Teamsters Ontario Women’s Caucus

Objectives :

The Teamsters Ontario Women’s Caucus is dedicated to promoting the interests of its members and generally to improve their economic and social well being. The main purpose of the Caucus is to unify women members of the different Ontario Teamsters Local Unions, through a provincial network.

Women represent a substantial percentage of the Teamsters Union membership in Ontario and they are a powerful resource for the Union. The Caucus believes that active participation of women members in the Ontario Teamsters Union will enhance our Union’s strength at the bargaining table, in organizing campaigns and in the political arena.

To that effect, the objectives of the Caucus shall include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • To unite women for the purpose of promoting economic, cultural, civic, legislative, political, social and union activities, and/or other activities directly or indirectly, further the interests of the Caucus;
  • To uphold the principals of the Ontario Teamsters Union and to foster the opportunity for Teamsters women to serve in leadership positions at all levels of the Union structure;
  • To achieve, through a close association, a stronger bond of solidarity and understanding among the representatives of our Union bodies;
  • To advance and strengthen our Union organization in the community and in the labour movement;
  • To assist and/or join other organizations having purposes and objectives similar to those of the Caucus;
  • To engage in community activities which will advance the interests of the Caucus.

It is recognized that the problems which the Caucus is accustomed to deal with are not limited to unionism or to organizing and collective bargaining alone, but encompass a broad spectrum of economic, social and political objectives, as set forth above and as the Caucus may determine from time to time. We, therefore, determine and assert that the participation of the Caucus, individually and with other organizations, in pursuit and attainment of the objectives set forth herein, is for the sole benefit of our members of the Ontario Teamsters Union.

Comité d'actions féministes Teamsters Québec

Comité exécutif

Nathaly Guillemette


Teamsters Canada
400-1750, Maurice-Gauvin
Laval (QC) H7S 1Z5
Tél. : 450 682-5521
Télécopie : 450 681-2244

Valérie Roy


Section locale 1999
100 - 9393, rue Edison
Montréal (QC) H1J 1T4
Tél. : 514 355-1110
Télécopie : 514 493-7661

Diane Bessette


Section locale 931
200 - 12100 rue Urgel-Charbonneau
Montréal (QC) H1B 5X1
Tél. : 514-645-2500
Télécopie : 514-645-1915

Sylvie Duval


Section locale 106
12100, Urgel-Charbonneau
Montréal (QC) H1B 5X1
Tél. : 514 645-9016
Télécopie : 514 640-5595

Sylvie Reed


Section locale 1999
100 - 9393, rue Edison
Montréal (QC) H1J 1T4
Tél. : 514 355-1110
Télécopie : 514 493-7661

Depuis 1995, le Comité d’actions féministes Teamsters Québec rassemble des femmes de cœur et d’actions qui s’investissent dans leur milieu de travail, dans leur famille et dans la communauté afin de protéger notre bien commun et améliorer la qualité de vie de tous et de toutes. Nous offrons des conférences et de la formation pour nos membres et nous organisons des collectes de fonds pour des causes qui nous tiennent à cœur.

Maison Le Parados inc.

Chaque année, le Comité d’actions féministes Teamsters Québec organise une soirée familiale qui vise à amasser des fonds et remet les dons à la maison d’hébergement pour femmes victimes de violence conjugale et leurs enfants, Le Parados. Avec l’aide précieuse de nos membres, la direction et le personnel de la compagnie Purolator, nous pouvons remettre chaque année des cadeaux de Noël pour les familles qui sont hébergées au Parados. Pour faire un don :

Faire un don

Joignez-vous à nous! Grâce à votre aide, nous pourrons aider ces familles à sortir du cycle de la violence conjugale et vivre heureuses, en toute sécurité.

Fondation Virage

Le Comité d’actions féministes Teamsters Québec offre des perruques et des prothèses mammaires externes à ses membres et aux conjointes des membres qui sont atteints d’un cancer. De plus, grâce à la Fondation Virage, de nombreux autres services sont offerts aux femmes qui combattent le cancer. Appelez-nous!