Driver Inc. is when trucking companies illegally misclassify employees as “independent contractors” through incorporation. These drivers are not owner operators and are misclassified by employers to avoid paying their employees what they are owed. These compagnies are ripping off their employees, breaking the law and driving down salaries for ALL truck drivers.


These drivers eventually discover that they are classified as “personal service businesses” by the Canada revenue Agency and as such they receive zero tax breaks and get no benefits. This shady practice by trucking compagnies keeps spreading. It is undercutting legitimate operators and threatening good union jobs.

All compagnies that are breaking the rules are driving down salaries for all truck drivers. If you know of one, report it.

Tell the Union

The Teamsters are the largest trucking union in Canada.
If you are a Teamsters member, contact a business agent in your local and let them know.

Tell the Authorities

You can file a report to a government labour department anonymously or with your name. Include all the proof you can find (advertisements, pay stubs company name and address):

In Many Provinces

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)

Only in Ontario

Workplace Safety and
Insurance Board (WSIB)

Only in Québec

Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail

We have prepared a flyer to share in your workplaces to explain the Driver Inc. scam.

Pre-order a hard copy

Pre-order your hard copy by contacting Omar Burgan at [email protected] or call 514-907-1442.

Learn more about the latest news on Driver Inc below and follow us on Facebook.

Driver Inc, a Tax Avoidance and Labour Abuse Scam, Throws Canada’s Trucking Sector into...

The Driver Inc scam in Canada’s trucking industry is now a crisis hurting drivers, legitimate businesses, and costing the government billions in lost tax revenue.

Teamsters, CTA Suggest Enforcement Strategy for Driver Inc. Violators

The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) and Teamsters Canada jointly wrote federal officials with suggestions on how to combat the illegal misclassification scheme in trucking known as Driver Inc.

Truck Drivers: Beware of the “Driver Inc” Scam

Whether you are a seasoned veteran or completely new to trucking, anyone can fall victim to the “Driver Inc” scam. Be very careful if you are told to incorporate as a trucking company to make more money. Unless you lease or own your own truck, you are likely walking into the “Driver Inc” scam. Read on if you want to help yourself and your fellow truck drivers and potentially save tens of thousands of dollars.