November 1st, 2021

Brothers and Sisters,

Your Teamsters bargaining committee just finished the second week, October 25th through the 29th, of negotiations with your employer in Toronto.

The negotiations are moving along slowly with settlements on some of the smaller issues along with extensive dialogue on the significant issue of subcontracting. This is about job security and is a serious issue the union feels needs to advance prior to concluding monetary issues such as hours of work, health benefits, pension and wages.

The next negotiation dates are scheduled for the week of November 15 through 19th in Quebec City.

If the November negotiations do not move along with sufficient achievement the union may be applying for Federal Conciliation, a government process that must be followed before a strike or lockout can occur. This means that a mediation officer will be appointed by the federal government to assist in the negotiation process.

The company has been strongly reminded that this is 2021, and not the challenging negotiations from the last round of 2016/17. We remember the extreme conditions our membership has endured from the peak of 2019 through the pandemic. We also know the profitability of the company, the shortage of labour and the demand for our industry services.

With your solidarity we will negotiate the best possible settlement in the courier industry.

Watch for further bargaining updates and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your Local Union.

 In Solidarity,

François Laporte
President, Teamsters Canada

Richard Eichel
Parcel Division, Teamsters Canada