The statistics don’t lie. According to the Mental Health Commission of Canada, the annual cost of mental illness nationally is $51 billion, with one in five Canadians experiencing a mental health issue in their lives.
About 30% of disability claims are related to mental health problems and illnesses. In 2011, mental health issues cost employers more than $6 billion in lost productivity from absenteeism, presenteeism and turnover.
Despite the scope of the problem, intense stigma surrounding mental health problems and illnesses persists. That’s why the position of the Teamsters is that everyone benefits when we speak up about these problems, and when we build up healthier, more inclusive workplaces.
With the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health must be, more than ever, at the centre of the concerns of unions, businesses and governments.
Resources must be put in place to help all workers and citizens cope with mental illness.
List of Useful Resources:
Mandatory : A Mental Health Initiative :
CLC Mental Health Resource Centre:
Canadian Mental Health Association
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety: Free mental health e-courses
National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace
Kids help phone
Distress Centres