Laval, QC, June 27, 2019 — Brother Stéphane Lacoste, General Counsel at Teamsters Canada since 2004 and former lawyer for Teamsters Local Union 106, has been appointed a Judge of the Superior Court of Québec for the district of Montréal.

Brother Lacoste had been involved in countless important cases for the Teamsters, including the renewal of certain collective agreements.

Active within the legal community, he had been president from 2016-2017 of the Québec branch of the Canadian Bar Association (CBA). He had also been chair of the CBA’s Labour and Employment Section.

In 2018, the Bar of Québec awarded him the title of Advocatus Emeritus, which is awarded to members who have distinguished themselves through their outstanding career. Moreover, he is a fellow of the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers.

Effective immediately, he is leaving his role as General Counsel at Teamsters Canada.

“I would like to thank Stéphane Lacoste for his years of service within our organization, for his professionalism and his expertise,” said the president of Teamsters Canada, François Laporte. “I would like to join everyone in wishing him good luck in his new role.”