When you make enough noise, they have to listen – and Canada, you’ve made a lot of noise!
We are coming to the end of our Make It Mandatory mental health video campaign, an initiative that has led us across the country to talk to youth, politicians, mental health experts and leaders in the community about mental health.
In Canada, costs linked to mental illness reach $51 billion each year. One in five Canadians experience a mental health issue in their lifetime.
Teamsters Canada wanted to bring awareness to the issue of mental health, and to let policy makers know that more has to be done to address the stigma and lack of resources for mental health in the workplace.
Thanks to your support, our videos have reached over a million people and policy makers from coast to coast.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has promised to invest more than $3 billion in mental health and home care – a great first step to support mental health in Canada.
But we can’t stop now: we must continue our efforts to make mental health support mandatory in the workplace.
In our final episode, we look back at some highlights of our journey and stories that people across Canada shared about their experiences. Together, we can end the stigma surrounding mental health issues simply by talking openly about them.
Help us spread the word by sharing our videos on social media, tweeting and emailing politicians and policy makers and letting other Canadians know that together, we can make a change when it comes to mental health.
If we make enough noise, they have to listen.