The Senate moved very quickly to pass Bill C-12. The Bill had the support of all parties in the House of Commons, and it was backed by Minister of Labour Jean-Pierre Blackburn. When the Government proclaims the Bill, workers will be placed ahead of other creditors safeguarding earnings. The legislation also places limits on bankruptcy judges’ ability to change collective agreements without the agreement of the union.

Even with this support, the Bill was passed only after three years of intensive lobbying. With the expectation of a spring election, and the fear that the Bill would die on the Order Paper, a full-court press was needed to push the Bill through the Senate. Teamsters Canada worked with the Canadian Labour Congress and its Political Action Committee to pass this Bill which protects workers’ wages, benefits and pension savings in bankruptcy.

Teamsters Canada thanks the Government, members of Parliament and senators for supporting and passing Bill C-12. The Senate Standing Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce must be congratulated for its speedy work. We recognize all the committee members, and especially Senator Pierrette Ringuette, for their understanding of the issue and moving the Bill forward to completion.