Campaign posters and leaflets were posted and displayed on Teamsters’ bulletin boards “on the job” all across the country. Teamsters are learning about the ITF, its goals, and our role in the wider global trade union movement; and, to build awareness of participating in global action to aid our purpose – to organize the organized locally.

Teamsters Canada took the November 9th Action Day to Parliament Hill. In Canada, most of the industry is unionized, but that is not the case around the globe. Workers cannot organize where governments and companies do not respect workers’ rights. We reminded Members of Parliament that Canada is a member of the International Labour Organization, and it has committed to respect and promote freedom of association and the right to collectively bargain. The hurdle in organizing can be overcome globally, just as it was in Canada, when decent labour laws were passed and companies respected them.

Members handed our leaflets to MPs in front of Parliament Hill, then we moved inside holding meetings inside MPs offices, in corridors, and in the Lobby of the House of Common. Our focus was on MPs whose main area is, or were, Labour and Transport issues. Mr. Brian Jean, MP Fort McMurray, Parliamentary Secretary of Transportation; Mr. Jim Karygiannis, MP Scarborough, former Parliamentary Secretary of Transportation; Mr. Denis Coderre, MP Bourassa, Labour Critic Liberal Party; Mr. Peter Julian, MP New Westminster, Transport Critic New Democratic Party; and, Ms. Libby Davies, MP Vancouver East, Labour Critic New Democratic Party. We believe that our message was well received.

We thank all Teamsters who took the time to learn a little more about this global issue, and to all those who distributed flyers and posters locally. We are already looking forward to next year’s activities!