The President of the Canadian Labour Congress expressed deep disappointment at the defeat of Bill C-328 in the House of Commons on Wednesday night.

Bill C-328 was a Private Members Bill introduced by Monique Guay, Bloc Québecois MP for Laurentides, and supported by the caucuses of the Bloc Québécois and the New Democratic Party. The final result was 86 in favour of the Bill and 104 against.

"We lost an opportunity to bring labour relations into the 21st century. Due in large part to an overt lack of support from the government, the spectre of violence and economic disruption will continue to haunt industrial relations in our key transportation, telecommunication and financial sectors," said Ken Georgetti.

Had Bill C-328 passed, it would have banned the use of scabs in industries governed by the Canada Labour Code. Similar laws in place in British Columbia and Quebec have resulted in more harmonious labour relations, including a significant drop in the statistics for days of work lost due to strikes or lockouts. The use of scabs prolongs disputes and has often provided the flashpoint for violence or injury on picket lines.

"I want to thank all of the MPs who stood up for the interests of working citizens and voted in favour of the Bill. I can only hope that this Bill will be re-introduced soon and a few more of their colleagues will find the courage to support it. A majority of the MPs in the House wanted this Bill to pass, it was Cabinet voting in a block that stopped it," said Georgetti.

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