Message from François Laporte, Teamsters of Canada President

Each month, François Laporte, President of Teamsters Canada, comments on the labour news cycle in a series of columns called Leading the Way. Join him as he discusses the issues facing Canadian workers from coast to coast.

Christmas, Scrooge, and the Power of Unions

As the holidays are fast approaching, I can’t help but think about the stories and tales we share with one another. Often, these tales...

Leading the Way: Why the Right to Strike Matters

Last August, we all witnessed a significant affront to democratic rights in the way the Liberal government interfered with the rail freight transportation industry...

Leading the Way: We Focus on Issues, Not Parties

It’s not a secret that many trade unions in the world will endorse political parties or candidates. These endorsements have two goals: make waves in a political campaign and influence how members cast their votes.

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

September 30 is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, a day to honour both residential school survivors and those who never made it home.

Leading the Way: Reaching Out to New Canadians and Integrating Them is Crucial to Canada’s Future

More than just a program, we need a vision with a plan. We must ensure that newcomers are fully integrated into our society, which can only be achieved by integrating them into our economy.