Teamsters Women's Conference

This year’s conference will be held in San Juan, Puerto Rico!

Teamsters Quebec Women’s Caucus

committee_quebec_womensThe Teamsters Quebec Women’s Caucus is made up of a group of women offering representation, services, training and information relevant to female members in Quebec. It organizes unique activities for its members and promotes the development of a network of women within the Teamsters Union.

Since its creation in 1995, the Caucus has always taken a firm stand against violence toward women. For over 15 years, it has been an active supporter of a local shelter for women and children victims of violence.

The Caucus also provides support and assistance to cancer patients by offering hair and breast prostheses to female members and to the spouses of Teamsters’ members.

Lastly, the Caucus organises and takes part in various activities and events with other women’s groups in Quebec to promote female advancement, wage parity and equality in Canadian society.

Learn more about the Teamsters Quebec Women’s Caucus (french only)