Staff at Cintas have ratified a new 3-year contract. Workers at the company in the Greater Toronto Area are represented by Teamsters Local Union 847.
The new agreement sets out a 13.7% raise of the term of the agreement and a bigger allowance for safety shoes. Workers also won more leave, including more vacation time for the most senior employees, allowing people to spend more time with their families.
Additionally, the contract introduces a new severance package scheme, which will see workers earn two weeks of salary per year of service when they leave the company.
Finally, the benefits package was enhanced, and now includes the possibility of securing retiree benefits.
Workers at Cintas pick up, clean, and deliver uniforms to other companies. They also sell a range of products to keep workplaces clean and safe.
“Cintas is a profitable company, and there is absolutely no reason why its employees should not share in the wealth. I would like to thank everyone who took part in the negotiations, as well as all the members for their steadfast support,” said the president of Teamsters Local Union 847, Fernanda Santos.