Brothers and Sisters,

This to inform you that negotiations with your employer concluded Friday, May 6, 2022.

Our strong strike vote was beneficial this week in attaining job-securing & other important contract language.

However, I regret to inform you that the company’s final offer, including monetary, falls significantly lower than our membership’s needs and expectations.

As it is a final offer, our IBT constitution dictates that it shall be voted upon by the membership and Teamsters Canada Package Division Rules also instruct that this vote be conducted by mail / electronic ballot.

We are deeply disappointed that your employer, as busy and as profitable as they have been, continues to disregard your hard work, loyalty, and rightful expectations.

Your Negotiating Committee unanimously recommends the REJECTION of the offer.

Membership meetings will be scheduled to fully explain the offer. The voting package presenting all the proposed changes will be mailed to you. This vote will have an important impact on your working life so please make sure to be educated and participate. If you have moved, make sure your local has your current address.

Watch for meeting details and for your voting package. If you have any questions, please contact your local union representative.

We wish to thank all those that have attended the negotiations for their solidarity and responsible advice.

With solidarity will come a contract deserving of your hard work and commitment.