It is with a heavy heart that I learned that Brother Andy Mastoris, a legendary usher at the Scotiabank Arena and long-time member of Teamsters Local Union 847, died last week at the age of 80.
Andy started working as an usher in 1964 at the Maple Leaf Gardens. On his first day, the Beatles were playing at the Gardens. He was there when Toronto last won the Stanley Cup, in ’67.
Over the years, fans came to know and love Andy and went out of their way to stop at Gate 1 to have a chat with him, and maybe take a picture with him. His smile was contagious.
He was mentioned in and profiled in various publications, eventually becoming part of the sports lore in Toronto.
Andy loved his job, and he loved people.
Andy, in turn, was loved by his co-workers, his friends, his family, and thousands of sports fans.
He will be sorely missed.
In solidarity and mourning,
Fernanda Santos
Teamsters Local Union 847