This morning, by starting the process of repealing laws C-525 and C-377 in the House of Commons, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Labour Minister MaryAnn Mihychuk kept their promise.

The Teamsters Union welcomes the Liberal decision as C-525 was essentially an act to prevent workers from joining a union.

Furthermore, C-377 would have required the labour movement to publicly disclose information that could have compromised privacy of union members. In fact, many observers felt that C-377 was discriminatory, unfair, expensive and unconstitutional.

“Today, the government sent a strong signal to Canada by essentially saying that, instead of distrusting unions and passing union-busting legislation, we can get a lot more done by working together,” said the President of Teamsters Canada, François Laporte. “I also want to thank other parties, especially the NDP, for their support for restoring workers’ rights.”

The Teamsters would also like to thank Rodger Cuzner for his outspoken support for workers’ rights while he was Liberal Labour Critic and now as Parliamentary Secretary on Labour.