Ottawa, December 22nd, 2014 — The Teamsters Union is not opposed to the installation of Locomotive Voice and Video Recorders (LVVRs). However, all recordings must be used pursuant to section 28 of the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act.

The Teamsters Union fears that the rail industry’s proposal, namely CP, will create a dangerous precedent and open the door to abuse by rail carriers.

As is the case with aircraft and marine, access to these devices must be limited to cases involving accidents. The recorders must not be used to put additional pressure on industry workers who are already subject to multiple procedures and regulations in their everyday work.

“We have already said many times that we are not opposed to the installation of LVVRs,” explains Rex Beatty, president of the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC).

The unionist adds that access must be limited to the Transportation Safety Board (TSB) to avoid creating a “dangerous precedent” that could lead to the infringement of workers’ right to privacy by rail carriers.

“I foresee that other industries will want to do the same and that we are heading toward a society where workers will be examined under the microscope,” fears Mr. Beatty. “Yet it is possible to ensure public and worker safety without opening such a Pandora’s Box.”

In fact, discussions about LVVRs are ongoing with VIA Rail, CN and CP. The Teamsters are committed to being involved in any implementation of this technology to ensure the protection of the general public and its members balanced with enhancing safe rail operations.

Fact Sheet about LVVRs >>>

The Teamsters represents 115,000 members in Canada in all trades. The International Brotherhood of Teamsters, with which Teamsters Canada is affiliated, has 1.4 million members in North America.


Stéphane Lacroix, Communications Department
Telephone: 514 609-5101
Email: [email protected] ? ?