The Teamsters Canada Education Department in collaboration with the IBT Training & Development Department will be conducting training for new Principal Officers, Recording-Secretaries, Secretary-Treasurer and Trustees of Local Unions and Conferences on January 29-30, 2007 in Mississauga, Ontario.
This two-day training will draw on the expertise of leaders and attorneys who will focus on the legal and constitutional requirements, role and responsibilities based on the Canadian laws and case-laws.
This training will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Delta Toronto Airport West, 5444 Dixie Road, Mississauga, Ontario, tel.: (905) 624-1144, fax: (905) 624-9477.
A block of rooms have been reserved through January 10th, 2007. Affiliates are responsible for the cost of their own transportation, lodging and dinners.
To make reservation please call the Hotel directly. Be sure to mention that you are with the Teamsters group.
Single room: $ 135.00
There are no registration fees.
The registration deadline is January 10th, 2007. Please fill out the attached registration form and return it by fax to Teamsters Canada at (450) 681-2244.
For further information regarding this class, please contact Claire Renaud at (450) 682-5521.