Tag: CN
Teamsters Welcome NDP Decision to End Supply and Confidence Agreement
Teamsters Canada is welcoming the NDP decision to tear up the Supply and Confidence Agreement with the Liberal Party of Canada.
Teamsters Appeal Binding Arbitration Order
The Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (Teamsters) filed appeals challenging the decisions that led to binding arbitration being imposed on workers at CN and CPKC, effectively stripping them of their right to collectively bargain.
They have let down all the workers of this country, and...
Federal Labour Minister Steven MacKinnon abused his power by establishing a system where he alone can unilaterally end job action in the federally regulated private sector.
Before things go off the rails
The Teamsters Canada Rail Conference has received lockout notices for close to 10,000 CN and Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) railway employees. Unless a last-minute agreement is reached, a work stoppage will occur this Thursday, August 22 at 00:01.
Teamsters Receive Lockout Notice From CN
Work stoppage still set for 00:01 on Thursday, August 22, unless parties reach last-minute agreement
Teamsters Serve Strike Notice to CPKC
Work stoppage still set for 00:01 on Thursday, August 22, unless parties reach last-minute agreement
CN and CPKC Reject Offer to Stagger Negotiations
Canadian National (CN) and Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) rejected a proposal from the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC) to stagger negotiations with both companies by two weeks.
Teamsters Statement on TSB Report into Pierre-Luc Levesque’s Death
Today, the Transportation Safety Board (TSB) released its report into the accident which took the life of Brother Pierre-Luc Levesque, a CN conductor/foreman trainee, in Edmundston, New Brunswick, on December 4, 2018.
Fatal Accident at CN Rail Yard in Pointe-Saint-Charles, Montréal
A conductor working for Canadian National (CN) died yesterday afternoon at the Pointe-Saint-Charles rail yard in Montréal.
Fatal Accident at CN in British Columbia
A Canadian National (CN) conductor was fatally injured yesterday afternoon while working just outside of a rail yard in Prince Rupert, B.C. The worker was a man in his thirties who had been with the company since 2018. His name is not being released.