Teamsters have been asking for action on Quebec long-term care centres for years

Salaries are only part of the problem faced by staff in long-term care centres and retirement homes. Worker/resident ratios must also be reviewed to ensure optimal quality of care for our seniors.

Did employer negligence kill a worker at a Laval retirement home?

A floor in poor condition at a Résidence Soleil retirement home in Laval, QC caused a food aid to fall. The woman, a member of Teamsters Local Union 106, found herself on the floor, her face bloodied, and was rushed to the hospital.

Let’s Talk About Elder Abuse

June 15 is Elder Abuse Awareness Day. It’s an opportunity to recall just how badly COVID-19 hit our elders.

Let’s treat seniors and their caregivers fairly

As early as three years ago, the Teamsters Union and its members who work in CHSLDs, private residences and intermediate resources, began to reflect on the issues that threatened the health and safety of seniors and staff.