Building up British Columbia starts with getting better working conditions, including pensions, health benefits and higher wage.
Delta, June 29, 2015 — Teamsters Local Union 31 successfully won a representation vote that certified the union at the British Columbia Labour Relations Board to represent the Drivers, Warehouse Workers and Clerical at USF Reddaway Inc. in Delta, BC.
Some 1,600 workers of this company are unionized with the Teamsters.
The workers said they wanted to be respected by their employer.
“The workers expressed their courage for what matters most to them: respect,” said Ben Hennessy, Director of Organizing of Teamsters Local Union 31. “I’m proud to have given the workers at USF Reddaway a strong, helping Teamsters hand up to build a brighter future.”
USF Reddaway Inc. provides direct, regional delivery in twelve U.S. states and British Columbia. The company was founded in 1919.
The union will meet with the employer in the next few months, and both parties will bargain with a view to entering into their very first work contract.
“I would like to thank brothers Mike Hennessy of Local Union 31 and Grant Coleman of Teamsters Canada who helped us a lot in this organizing drive,” added Ben Hennessy. “Without them, none of it would have been possible.”
The Teamsters represents 120 000 members in Canada in all industries. The International Brotherhood of Teamsters, with which Teamsters Canada is affiliated, has 1.4 million members in North America.
Stéphane Lacroix, Director of Public Relations
Telephone: 450-682-5521
Cell: 514-609-5101
Email: [email protected]