François Laporte has been sworn in by the IBT General President Hoffa and General Secretary Treasurer Hall

Laval, May 8, 2015 — François Laporte officially begins his tenure today as president of Teamsters Canada. He has been sworn in by International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) General President James P. Hoffa. General Secretary-Treasurer Ken Hall and the other members of the IBT General Executive Board were also at the ceremony.

François Laporte joined the Teamsters Union in 1985. He began at Local Union 1999 and Joint Council 91 and then went on to hold various positions, including communications specialist, organizer, director of government affairs, and business agent. He also sat on the executive boards of Local Unions 931, 1998 and 106.

To this end, François Laporte plans to make sure that Teamsters Canada communicates more efficiently with its members and the public, mainly through social networks and the media. He would also like to work with members, local union officers and Teamsters Canada’s executive board to set up brainstorming exercises.

“Collective agreements that are good for workers and their families, members involvement in charity work and our efforts to encourage the governments to introduce progressive laws regarding mental health in the workplace are just a few examples of our organization’s contribution to society,” explains the union leader. “We are agents of positive change and we are helping build a more prosperous and just society.”

The Teamsters Union represents 120,000 members in Canada in all trades. The International Brotherhood of Teamsters, with which Teamsters Canada is affiliated, has 1.4 million members in North America.



Stéphane Lacroix, Communications Director
Mobile: 514 609-5101
Email: [email protected]