Dear Brothers and Sisters:

As you already know, the vote on the result of the 2011 bargaining round will be conducted electronically. You will have the possibility to vote over the phone or via the Internet.

In less than 2 weeks, you will be receiving a letter explaining how to vote and containing your personal identification number (PIN). You will need to enter this code to vote on the tentative agreement reached between your union and Purolator.

Please do not divulge your PIN to anyone.

Should you lose your PIN or suspect that someone else has used it without your knowledge, please dial 1 877 906-8877 to have your PIN cancelled and have a new one issued.

If you have lost the letter, you may also contact your local union to receive a new copy of the instructions.

Thank you for your usual cooperation.

In solidarity,

Dave Froelich
Chair of the Electronic vote committee