Alain Lacroix, Local Union 1999

Laval, November 12, 2013 – Every year in November the Movember charity encourages men around the world to sprout a moustache in order to raise awareness about prostate cancer and collect funds for research and to help men with this disease.

Procure, the organization in charge of this fund-raising effort, is helping to finance and set up a biobank and a databank on men with or at risk of developing prostate cancer.

This year is special to us because one of our brothers, Alain Lacroix, a business agent at Local Union 1999, is fighting this terrible disease.

Research shows that one out of seven men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point in their lifetime. This year only, 23,600 Canadian men will receive this diagnosis.

We are therefore calling upon the generosity of the general public and especially the members of the Teamsters Union.

Sprout a moustache in November and raise funds to help Alain and thousands of other Canadians fighting prostate cancer.

You can make your donation on

Whether your moustache is greying, sparse, prickly or not popular with the loved one, don’t shave it off this month!