
Browse Teamsters Canada news in Alberta and about Local Unions 362 and 987 here.

UPS Negotiations in the United States

As a UPS Canada worker, you may be wondering about what the recent UPS ratification vote in the United States means for you.

Teamsters 362 Files Application with Alberta Labour Relations Board for Amazon Fulfillment Centre Employees

Teamsters Local Union 362, which represents approximately 7,000 workers throughout Alberta and the Northwest Territories, has filed an application with the Alberta Labour Relations Board to certify a vote for union representation at the Amazon Fulfillment Centre in Nisku, Alberta. 

Teamsters Denounce Plan to Create Sweatshop on Wheels

Teamsters Canada, the country’s largest transportation union, is slamming the Ontario Trucking Association’s (OTA) proposal to bring in foreign workers to fill a shortage of drivers in the trucking industry. They should instead be focusing on significantly improving drivers’ wages and working conditions to attract more people to the profession.

Teamsters Local Union 987 announces strike at Coca-Cola Calgary plant

Teamsters Local Union 987 members, employed as essential workers, are seeking job security and protection from unnecessary third-party outsourcing; product disruptions anticipated CALGARY – March 15, 2021 – Some 268 workers at the Coca-Cola Refreshments Calgary...

Burnco is Bargaining in Bad Faith

The Teamsters have filed a complaint with the Alberta Labour Relations Board in reaction to the company’s decision to lock out their workers.

New NAFTA Must Be Trilateral, Address Freight Rail Staffing Concerns

The following is a joint statement from Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa and Teamsters Canada President François Laporte in response to ongoing North American Trade Agreement (NAFTA) reform discussions taking place in Washington now between U.S. and Canadian trade representatives and the need for a trilateral agreement.

Teamsters Raise $146,951 for Canadian Red Cross

Members, local unions and joint councils affiliated with Teamsters Canada raised $146,951 for the Canadian Red Cross to help the people of Fort McMurray and of the surrounding communities. “Our immediate priority is supporting the...

CP Rail the Aggressor, Not the Victim

The Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC) is confused at the sight of Canadian Pacific Railway (CP) publicly playing the “victim card” in current contract negotiations. The TCRC is reacting to the company’s claim that unions are attempting to take the company hostage.

Safety of Road Users Dominates Discussions at CCMTA

The annual meeting of the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) came to a close last Wednesday. The CCMTA is responsible for the coordination, administration, regulation and control of road transportation and road safety across the country.
François Laporte, the President of Teamsters Canada, visiting Garda armoured car workers in Edmonton.

Safety of Armoured Car Crews is a Top Teamster Priority

The Teamsters Union has taken note of an August 18th decision from the federal Ministry of Labour regarding the security model used at the Edmonton branch of Brinks Canada, which employs 215 members of Local Union 362. “Our local is respecting the decision but wants to make it clear that members have been safely working under a similar model for over a decade,” explained Wayne Garner, Business Agent at Local Union 362.