Train the Trainer

Course Duration: 4 days This course is designed for any person, chosen by his/her Local Union or Conference, who wants to become a trainer.

Women and Health and Safety

Course Duration: 2 days This course is designed for female members, shop stewards, and health and safety representatives.

Workplace Accident: Investigate to Prevent

Course Duration: 2 days This course empowers participants to prevent work related, accidents and injuries and near-misses in the workplace.

Discrimination and Accommodation: Equity for all

Course Duration: 1 day This course is designed for members, shop stewards, health and safety representatives, and business agents who work under provincial or federal jurisdiction.

Organizing: For Strength and Power

Course Duration: 2 days This course is designed for any person who is, and proud to be, involved in the Teamsters Union. Participants must be selected by their Local Union to attend this course.

Protecting our Health and Safety

Course Duration: 2 days This course is designed for members, shop stewards, and health and safety representatives working in federally regulated workplaces.

Violence and Harassment in the Workplace: Zero Tolerance

Course Duration: 1 or 2 days This course is designed for members, shop stewards and business agents. It can also be facilitated directly in the workplace.

From Grievance to Arbitration: Key to Success

Course Duration: 2 days This course is designed for experienced shop stewards and business agents.

Dealing with my Collective Agreement

Course Duration: 1 day This course is designed for experienced shop stewards and business agents.

Resolving Workplace Conflict

Course Duration: 2 days This course is designed for shop stewards.