To all Teamster members at Purolator:

On the afternoon of Friday, February 3rd, the company presented a final offer to your bargaining committee after a week of intense negotiations.

Your bargaining committee has agreed to bring the offer back to Teamster members without recommendation.

Your local unions will be scheduling information meetings where the details of the final offer will be made available to you. We urge you to attend these meetings. If you have any questions whatsoever, please contact your local union.

Once all local unions have completed their information meetings, members will decide on the final offer though online and telephone voting.

Further details to come soon. Be sure to check back on this site and to like Teamsters Canada on Facebook to stay up to date on the latest developments.

In solidarity,

Gary Kitchen
Chairman of the negotiating committee

For more information, please contact your local union. You can also click here to view our previous update.